Good Morning Sun

I obsess on the tilt of the sunshine. I prefer it better in the winter. Somehow slanted, how you can slant a ray of light I don't know, and how it burns brighter in a freezing way and makes the ground look white even with no snow clouds in sight.

In the summer the sizzling reflections are always yellow. Until sunset. That's when I love the desert. The oranges and pinks and reds and purples are indescribably beautiful. It's like a big 'You're Welcome' from the Goddess. You're Welcome for helping that stranger, loving your children, having a sweet heart. Gifting it to me in the simplest, wrenching way possible, to remind me that the world is still beautiful.

Today I saw a sunrise, which is not very common for me. Although beautiful, how Apollo slowly rises through the mist of the far off clouds. Then within a blink of an eye is sparkling brightly, burning off any secret hiding places left over from the night. It can't touch the way he puts himself to rest in the west.

As I long for the gray of twilight I shall enjoy this day full of dazzling yellow sun and the waves of heat off the asphalt. Because tonight... Artemis just might bring me back my love.


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