Thanks for the ride lady...

Side effect or maybe occupational hazard...
Samhain hitchhikers.
At least sludging, black, nasty attaching energy. Past few days have been... Unpleasant at best. I thought fur sure I was gonna start searching for a crucifix and pea soup. Couldn't really pinpoint the horrible nasty mood I've been in. Save for the incredibly epic good versus evil trip to the astral last night. Which should of exhausted me for days I woke up refreshed and happy to be lighter of that... What ever THAT was. Negativity in it's rawest form tastes like metal and sand and feel like swimming in motor oil. Where did it come from? I have my suspicions. I wont be taking in any homeless spirits any time soon. I've never been so happy for October to be over. Now for a Good Smudging and a cup of coffee.


  1. (((hug))) Gads, sounds horrible. I think, personally, that you might want to get a lot of laughter going on in that house. Nothing like genuine belly laughs to drive out the lingering negative vibes.

    Love you! Kathe

  2. Thanks Kathe, I think you're right :)


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