
Is it my internal clock... or the blessed sky light?? I think the latter, I wake up at 9am every day, no matter if I got home at midnight and stayed up till 2am spending time with my honey... 9am, get up!!

Which is good, great actually. I've never been one for mornings. Instead of throwing the covers over my head I succumb to the reality of normality and wake up. Because now there are choices to make.

For years, probably too many, I didn't really have to make time choices. If I wanted to do 20 things in one day I did them all, with time as my bitch. I never had to choose what was more important or satisfying, and I could always sleep in the next day.

I know it's only been a few weeks but I am totally digging this prioritizing, choosing, and energy. I feel... that's right I said it, I feel rejuvenated and very wake. When time was my bitch I abused her and threw so much of her away. Now, everything counts... everything. If it takes 5 minutes to help Guen with her chores so she wont be so stressed out I'm so doing it. An hour to kill, decorate, sweep, listen.

I like it. Not that my jobs are grand or anything but I am appreciating the sun and the moon and the clock. I miss the lazy minutes, and the never ending moments with the kids. Them knowing I am ALWAYS there, every minute. And sometimes I think that what I'm making working is in no way worth the moments I'm missing at home, but then I remember that this is what I want and it's agreeing with me.


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